Thursday, 26 June 2008


....just like today! Just arrived back home from my ( almost) daily walk with my friend Robin down to Hastings Pt via the cycle track & return via the beach. It's a BRILLIANT day, warm-ish & calm, & Robin & I picked 3, yes THREE, top pieces of beach glass, 2 clear/frosted & the other GREEN!! No daggy beer bottle beach glass like my photo above!

Dolphins surfing in the waves, having the time of their lives, AND THEN....

...out to sea, leaping out of the water, humpback whales, on their annual winter migration north,from Antarctica to the Coral Sea, where the females give birth. We walked up to the headland ,lay back on the grass in the sun & watched 3 different pods of whales for about 45 minutes.

Yep, some days are diamonds!


MmeBenaut said...

Indeed. I think someone wrote a song about that.

We have whales at Victor Harbor too! Lots of them.

Anonymous said...

aaw ... geez guys ... come on! I sat indoors and pushed paper around a desk all day!!

I juat have to bite the bullet don't I. I keep saying to anyone who will listen that I am way too busy to work full-time.

photowannabe said...

What a diamond of a day that's for sure. I wish I had been walking with you. Such magical moments.
You asked if i had my X post picked out yet. Yep I do. I'm haveing a really hard time thinking about Y though. Haven't got any ideas yet.
How about you?

Anonymous said...

You're so lucky to be so close to the action! It's my husband's birthday tomorrow and I'm giving him a gift voucher for a whale watching tour for two - for me to go with him of course!

Dragonstar said...

Definitely a diamond! I've never managed to see a dolphin, let alone a whale. Wonderful day!

Liz Hinds said...

Dolphins and whales - wow!

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