Friday, 15 August 2008



It was a wild and stormy day at Snapper Rocks.

What are these blokes looking at?

You make your own judgement about the wisdom of their behaviour. In the picture below, you can see that 2 of them are holding glass stubbies of beer.

For other thought-provoking SWF posts, visit the home of SkyWatch Friday.


Country Girl said...

Good capture! What idiots.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Obviously the sky. LOL.

marley said...

Mad moody sky and a refreshing beer and wave. The perfect sky watch!

Anonymous said...

Boys will be boys!!

Only in Australia hey :0)

Leora said...

Yeah, nutty. The first photo is like a Winslow Homer painting; stunning.

Ann said...

Love stormy seas (and skies). Is that first one taken to B&W or just a very grey day.

Coy Hill said...

Love those waves!

I can understand why at least one of the boys is there, fishermen will do nearly anything to have a jerk on both ends of the rod :)

The Mulligan Family said...

Great photos. The first one is unbelievable. Looks like a painting! Good on ya. Cheers!

buke said...

am really digging the stormy fotos dude. you did me a solid wth those!

Quiet Paths said...

You caught the sea's violent temper with these. I guess those out on the rocks never heard of riptides....

Gretchen said...

Great photos! I remember my first beer. :p

Lara said...

hahah, a great post! I guess the see watered their beers :)!

2sweetnsaxy said...

Great shots. That didn't look like a wise thing to do still, it did look like fun. Those are some waves!

Ivar Østtun said...

Your first picture is definitely a great shot. Nice :-)

Anonymous said...

Great capture - and headless boys. Nice weekend:)

Gemma Wiseman said...

Not a good idea to stand up to the power of nature! There's only one winner! Great pics!

Julie said...

That first one is just magnificent, Jude. The power being unleashed by sea and sky is overwhelming. It is almost sepia in tone.

Katney said...

Ah, well! Youth, beer, and testosterone. Not always the best recipe for wisdom.

~michelle pendergrass said...

I would love to see Australia someday. Gorgeous!!

MmeBenaut said...

Beware the freak wave! Fantastic photos, CabaC.

Barb said...

Having grown up on the New England seashore, I just love a stormy day and watching the waves. These guys haven't exactly used their best judgment.

EG CameraGirl said...

I love the surf crashing over the the rocks. Makes me homesick for the ocen, though. Now I live near the Great Lakes and they usually have only tiny waves.

Dewdrop said...

Tgheir elevator doesn't seem to go to the top, but who am I to judge that? lol. Great shots! I LOVE the first one! Such turmoil.

Dragonstar said...

Wonderful stormy sky in that first shot! As for the others ...

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful shots!
Thanks for the comment.

Anonymous said...

That first photo looks like a beautiful painting. It looks to me like their behavior could get them a nasty bump on the head when they fall on the rocks. With enough beer, maybe they won't feel it.

Baruch said...

Oh wow! What dramatic skies

Celeste said...

Great series of shots. It seems there are fools who tempt fate with stormy seas all over the world! Exactly the same thing happens in Cornwall where my parents live.

Kelly said...

Fabulous photos! The kids are pretty scary though!! Well done!

Kathie Brown said...

Shark bait! Love the first photo but love the whole sequence! It tells a story!

kjpweb said...

Impressive waves and sort of scary light! Great shots!
Cheers, Klaus