Monday, 17 March 2008

Wreck of HMAS Sydney discovered.

The photo above is of some of the crew of the Australian cruiser HMAS Sydney.

The Sydney was sunk in November ,1941, by the German raider HSK Kormoran, after they had engaged in a sea battle off the Western Australian coast. The Kormoran subsequently sank and lost about 60 of its crew of approximately 380 sailors. All 645 crewmen of the Sydney went down with the ship, and the location of both ships has eluded searchers and historians ever since.

It was announced today that the wreckage of HMAS Sydney was located overnight. This ended a genuine mystery that had puzzled historians and others for over 65 years....the location of both ships had been the subject of over 20 search projects. It was announced yesterday that the wreckage of the Kormoran had been located, so it wasn't a surprise when today's announcement was made.

The area has been designated a war graves site, and I believe neither of the shipwrecks will be interfered with.It has provided some degree of closure for families of the lost crewmen.

If you are interested in reading more, Wikipedia is a good place to go.


Sally said...

This is a very exciting, and significant discovery. Bet families are thrilled.

GMG said...

Interesting to know that mysteries are being solved! Loved to discover the people reading blog...
Have a great week!

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